


New Forest, sto

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Färg: brun
Höjd: 139 cm


Cheriton Mr. Fluff IV NFS 3351
New Forest
Burton Starlight RNF 24
New Forest
Priory Starlight VII NPS 3578
New Forest
Goodenough NPS 2900
New Forest
Barrow Glide-On Imp. 180
New Forest
Burton Kitty NFM 156
New Forest
Bright Spark NPS 3434
New Forest
Meadend Meadowsweet NFM 225
New Forest
Cheriton Fluff II NFM 3507
New Forest
Cheriton Viking NFS 901
New Forest
Knightwood Spitfire NPS 3121
New Forest
Mudeford Perfection NPS 9680
New Forest
Francis of Cheriton NFM 2212
New Forest
Golden Wonder of Longslade NFG 477
New Forest
Brookshill Candy Floss NFM 4585
New Forest
New Forest
Red Glory de la Reboursiere NFS 3823
New Forest
Cheriton Rett Butler NFS 2868
New Forest
Denny Danny NPS 2494
New Forest
Cheriton Scarlet O'Hara NFM 1704
New Forest
Staplecross Morning Glory NFM 1119
New Forest
Piperswaite Anthony NFS 169
New Forest
Staplecross Golden Dawn NFM 268
New Forest
Cheriton Fluff II NFM 3507
New Forest
Cheriton Viking NFS 901
New Forest
Knightwood Spitfire NPS 3121
New Forest
Mudeford Perfection NPS 9680
New Forest
Francis of Cheriton NFM 2212
New Forest
Golden Wonder of Longslade NFG 477
New Forest
Brookshill Candy Floss NFM 4585
New Forest


Född Kön Namn Ras Pappa
2000-04-21 Hingst Mitchou Domain 00204994E Poney Francais de Selle Linaro SPH 80
2003-06-02 Hingst Peps Domain 03194156Q Poney Francais de Selle Kooihuster Teake 15034


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