
Fair Nina of Bashley NFM 4816

New Forest, sto

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Brittisk New Foreststambok - NFS/NFM - New Forest Pony Studbook 4816

Färg: brun


Ashurst Baby Danny 26 LR
New Forest
Denny Danny NPS 2494
New Forest
Forest Horse  
Foxlease Danette NPS 7741
New Forest
Emery Dan NPS 2065
New Forest
Shobley Romance NPS 6698
New Forest
My Baby NPS 9857
New Forest
Forest Horse  
Pollydishwasher NPS 8110
New Forest
Lyndhurst Nigger NPS 2377
New Forest
Mullins Pretty Polly NPS 8109
New Forest
Furzey Lodge Peggy NFM 4347
New Forest
Monkshorn Bimbo NPS 3508
New Forest
Denny Danny NPS 2494
New Forest
Forest Horse
Foxlease Danette NPS 7741
New Forest
Forest Mare  
Furzey Lodge Lady Jane NFM 2319
New Forest
Forest Horse  
Furzey Lodge Fly Away 8715 NPS
New Forest
Forest Horse
Crockford Sandy NPS 8194
New Forest


Född Kön Namn Ras Pappa
1970 Sto Honey-Gold of Asil RNF 470 New Forest Mockbeggar Marshall NFS 719


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