
Hembys Mata Hari


New Forest, sto

1996 hos Hembys Stuteri, Billinge
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Rolökke Swallow RNF 110
New Forest
Peveril Probus NFH-E 17
New Forest
Oakley Jonathan III NPS 3326
New Forest
Brookside David NPS 2475
New Forest
Oakley Bridget NPS 9492
New Forest
Peveril Pipette NPS 11679
New Forest
Priory Starlight VII NPS 3578
New Forest
Peveril Petrina NPS 9580
New Forest
Höjens Shadow NF 351
New Forest
Sonny Summertime 64/23
New Forest
Deeracres Summertime RNF 2
New Forest
Black Magic of Sweethills NFM 1420
New Forest
Havens Sheba NF 190
New Forest
Beacon Pericles NFH-E 5
New Forest
Sally of Priory NFM 2046
New Forest
Hembys Inanna RNF 2098
New Forest
Skogs Max RNF 47
New Forest
Broomy Slip-On NPS 2894
New Forest
Telegraph Rocketer NPS 1817
New Forest
Judy 15th NPS 8253
New Forest
Piperswaite Fancy RNF 212
New Forest
Fritham Conkers NPS 3936
New Forest
Piperswaite Linda NFM 195
New Forest
Vramfälts Filippa RNF 1767
New Forest
Moon Star RNF 39
New Forest
Oakley Starling RNF 25
New Forest
Moon Cloud RNF 293
New Forest
Silverlea Suzette RNF 427
New Forest
Silverlea Sea Breeze NFS 1588
New Forest
Silverlea Primrose RNF 389
New Forest


Född Kön Namn Ras Pappa
2001 Sto Hembys Salka Valka RNF 2474 New Forest Miclas Activ RNF 100
2003 Valack Hembys Valentino New Forest Miclas Activ RNF 100
2005 Valack Hembys Barrabas New Forest Miclas Activ RNF 100


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