
Dolly Liv 10 RP

P-4103, DK 80/091

New Forest, sto

1980-07-07 hos Gothard Byrialsen, Danmark
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Finsk Ridponny RP 10
Finsk New Foreststambok - NF 184

Färg: brun
Höjd: 137 - 17 cm

Importerad: 1986 till Finland från Danmark
Premierad: B (1992), 77676=33p (1986)


Wolferhoeve's Wendro NFH 47
New Forest
Kantje's Sjonny He. Stb. 62
New Forest
Golden Wonder He. Imp.61
Korsning / Ras saknas
okänd härstamning
okänd härstamning
Lyndhurst Lucky Girl NFM 4007
New Forest
Mockbeggar Snipe NFS 60
New Forest
Lyndhurst Dainty NFM 3312
New Forest
Berenschot Morgana Stb. 608
New Forest
David Gray NFH 36
New Forest
Brookside David NPS 2475
New Forest
Grey Doll NPS 8008
New Forest
Merrie Maritza Imp. 185
New Forest
Merrie Mariner NPS 3824
New Forest
Merrie Midinette 10678 NPS
New Forest
Liv NF 822
New Forest
Sandyford Sundew SPH 4
New Forest
Burton Starlight RNF 24
New Forest
Priory Starlight VII NPS 3578
New Forest
Burton Kitty NFM 156
New Forest
Hazel Nut NFM 4233
New Forest
Broomy Nosey Lad NPS 2768
New Forest
Nuthatch of Mockbeggar NFM 2330
New Forest
Sweet Sue NF 665
New Forest
Mudeford Midnight NFH-E 4
New Forest
David Gray NFH 36
New Forest
Inky NPS 11437
New Forest
Kitty NF 283
New Forest
Forest Sprite NFS 260
New Forest
Linn of Ashurst NFM 1604
New Forest


Född Kön Namn Ras Pappa
1988-06-09 Sto Palvajärven Doris Finsk Ridponny Silver Dream FWB 43
1991-04-29 Sto Dolores 53 Finsk Ridponny Pomar ox
1992-06-25 Sto Delicja Finsk Ridponny Ramses ox
1994-07-17 Valack Desperado Finsk Ridponny El Fuego ox FAR 175/90
1996-08-02 Valack Dynamite Devil Finsk Ridponny Al Jawf ox FA 145/76
1997-07-04 Hingst Damokles Finsk Ridponny Ramzi ox
1998-07-21 Sto Del Lilah New Forest Henry Jeremiah 13 NF


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