
Jane-Pavane 220046279

Tysk Ridponny, sto

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Tysk Ridponny BRD 220046279

Färg: brun


Red Hot Pirate xx
Engelskt Fullblod
Barbary Pirate xx
Engelskt Fullblod
Fire of Spring xx
Engelskt Fullblod
Jessica 220097174
New Forest
Oakley Starlight NFS 1594
New Forest
Burton Starlight RNF 24
New Forest
Priory Starlight VII NPS 3578
New Forest
Burton Kitty NFM 156
New Forest
Oakley Jenny Wren NFM 101
New Forest
Brookside David NPS 2475
New Forest
Oakley Bridget NPS 9492
New Forest
Julia 229947070
New Forest
Ewout He. Stb. 12
New Forest
Merrie Mercury NPS 4049
New Forest
Newtown Pluck of Merrie NFM 1494
New Forest
Broomy Sheree Imp. 1120
New Forest
Fritham Conkers NPS 3936
New Forest
Blackie of Broomy NFM 2462
New Forest


Född Kön Namn Ras Pappa
1983 Hingst Nantan 346028983 Tysk Ridponny Nantano 420099375
1984 Sto Jenny Tysk Ridponny Colorado 350061779
1987-04-08 Hingst Conbrio II 346028187 Tysk Ridponny Candy Man II 421151181


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