
Comm's Forest Halesia Stb. 5067

New Forest, sto

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Holländsk New Foreststambok - Stb. 5067


Diamant Vb. 18338
New Forest
Robijn He. Stb. 115
New Forest
Golden Wonder He. Imp.61
Korsning / Ras saknas
okänd härstamning
okänd härstamning
Grey Magic Stb. 1788
New Forest
Dwight He. Stb. 17
New Forest
Prescott Black Magic Imp. 957
New Forest
Prescott Black Magic Imp. 957
New Forest
Warren Lucky NFS 307
New Forest
Warren Misty 24 LR
New Forest
Warren Peggy NPS 9999
New Forest
Prescott Charmain NPS 11095
New Forest
Denny Danny NPS 2494
New Forest
Sharman Imp. 632
New Forest
Comm's Forest Ilona's Nerium Stb. 4021
New Forest
Oleander He. Stb. 144
New Forest
Noordererf Chap He. Stb. 60
New Forest
Oosterbroek Arthur He. Imp.5
New Forest
Crab Apple of Piperswaite Imp. 917
New Forest
Betsie Stb. 2425
New Forest
Kantje's Sjonny He. Stb. 62
New Forest
Broomy Mist Imp. 1689
New Forest
Noordererf's Ilona Stb. 2721
New Forest
Alfred Pretty He. Stb.11
New Forest
Denny Danny NPS 2494
New Forest
Prescott Pretty Imp. 490
New Forest
Noordererf's Bonny Spring Stb. 677
New Forest
Oosterbroek Arthur He. Imp.5
New Forest
Crab Apple of Piperswaite Imp. 917
New Forest


Född Kön Namn Ras Pappa
Sto Hali's Melodie Stb. 6251 New Forest Priory Prickle He. Imp.78


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