
Petroesjka Stb. 4217

New Forest, sto

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Holländsk New Foreststambok - Stb. 4217


Noordererf Chap He. Stb. 60
New Forest
Oosterbroek Arthur He. Imp.5
New Forest
Brookside David NPS 2475
New Forest
Brookside Firelight 2319 NPS
New Forest
Rhona III NPS 7492
New Forest
Gaythorn Minx Imp. 7
New Forest
Forest Horse
Gaythorn Swish
New Forest
Crab Apple of Piperswaite Imp. 917
New Forest
Broomy Slip-On NPS 2894
New Forest
Telegraph Rocketer NPS 1817
New Forest
Judy 15th NPS 8253
New Forest
Broomy Bramley Imp. 741
New Forest
Deeracres Winston Churchill NPS 3216
New Forest
Flake of Broomy NFM 2491
New Forest
Til's Drika Stb. 1622
New Forest
Chungel Fury He. Stb. 33
New Forest
Broomy Slip-On NPS 2894
New Forest
Telegraph Rocketer NPS 1817
New Forest
Judy 15th NPS 8253
New Forest
Broomy Penny NFM 3537
New Forest
Forest Horse
Forest Mare
Til's Diola Stb. 772
New Forest
Grey Friars He. Imp.29
New Forest
Mudeford Pete RNF 3
New Forest
Grey Magic NPS 11117
New Forest
Diana Stb. 268
New Forest
Setley Boy He. Imp.4
New Forest
Setley Wanderer Imp. 125
New Forest


Född Kön Namn Ras Pappa
1987-05-30 Sto Sonny Stb. 4842 New Forest Watershof Warmando 139


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