
Margaret Lawrence xx

Engelskt Fullblod, sto

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Färg: mörkbrun


Vulcain xx
Engelskt Fullblod
Rock Sand xx
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Sainfoin xx
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Springfield xx
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Sanda xx
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Roquebrune xx
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St Simon xx
Engelskt Fullblod
St Marguerite xx
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Lady of the Vale xx
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Rayon d'Or xx
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Flageolet xx
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Araucaria xx
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Lady Violet xx
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The Ill-Used xx
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Lady Rosebery xx
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Bohemia xx
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Wagner xx
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Sir Charles xx
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Sir Archy xx
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Sto e Citizen xx
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Maria West xx
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Marion xx
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Ella Crump xx
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Mattie T xx
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Billet xx
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Voltigeur xx
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Calcutta xx
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Jaconet xx
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Leamington xx
Engelskt Fullblod
Maggie B B xx
Engelskt Fullblod


Född Kön Namn Ras Pappa
1936 Sto Unerring xx Engelskt Fullblod Insco xx


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