

New Forest, sto

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Flight RNF-S 64
New Forest
Dago RNF-S 38
New Forest
Golden Wonder He. Imp.61
Korsning / Ras saknas
okänd härstamning
okänd härstamning
Daisy of Poinsettia Stb. 737
New Forest
Priory Paintbox NFS 216
New Forest
Poinsettia of Priory NFM 2068
New Forest
Merrie Martia RNF 192
New Forest
Merrie Mercury NPS 4049
New Forest
Merrie Mistral He. Imp.1
New Forest
Merrie Maureen NPS 10677
New Forest
Merrie Martha 8874 NPS
New Forest
Ocknell Bob NPS 2508
New Forest
New Forest
Merriebelle RNF 68
New Forest
Knightwood Palamino NFS 37
New Forest
Knightwood Spitfire NPS 3121
New Forest
Brookside Spitfire 2409 NPS
New Forest
The Weirs Topsy NPS 6880
New Forest
Black Lady NFM 1828
New Forest
Forest Horse
Forest Mare
Garth Rosette NFM 58
New Forest
Hatchett Doormouse NPS 3537
New Forest
Forest Horse
Hatchett Silver Wedding NPS 9507
New Forest
Garth Rock Rose NPS 9885
New Forest
Forest Horse
Bishops Ditch Rosemary NPS 9073
New Forest


Född Kön Namn Ras Pappa
1991 Sto Maja Svensk Ridponny Mustapha ox
1992 Sto Mayday RP 1191 S Svensk Ridponny Aydin ox FA 102/85-91


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