
Corina RNF 1093

SPAR 42709/76

New Forest, sto

1976 hos Yvonne Andersson, Svanesund
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Riksstambok New Forest-E 1093

Färg: fux, vtbff
Höjd: 139 cm

Premierad: B 1983


Dawn of Spring RNF 18
New Forest
Wootton Sovereign NFS 267
New Forest
Hightown Streak NFS 446
New Forest
Goodenough NPS 2900
New Forest
Hightown Valerose NPS 8870
New Forest
Wootton Goldie NFM 499
New Forest
Forest Horse
Kit Kat II NPS 6912
New Forest
Wootton Judy NFM 9182
New Forest
Slipper NPS 3518
New Forest
Forest Horse
Forest Mare
Juliette NPS 8871
New Forest
Newtown Spark NPS 2582
New Forest
Whisper NPS 7665
New Forest
Kickan RNF 495
New Forest
Pontus RNF 17
New Forest
Priory Gay Gordon NFS 141
New Forest
Slipper NPS 3518
New Forest
Juliette NPS 8871
New Forest
Barden Hill Summer Cloud RNF 117
New Forest
Dorian Grey NFS 116
New Forest
Tiny of Mudeford NFM 3126
New Forest
Flicka RNF 188
New Forest
Mudeford Pete RNF 3
New Forest
Win-A-Way NPS 3486
New Forest
Minstead Victress NPS 9978
New Forest
Setley Angela of Embassy NFM 1209
New Forest
Goodenough NPS 2900
New Forest
Setley Bonny Lass NFM 661
New Forest


Född Kön Namn Ras Pappa
1988 Sto Beach Bunny RNF 2114 New Forest Vaquero RNF 68
1990 Sto Broomstick B New Forest Casimirsborgs Avocado RNF 63


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