
Silverlea Capricorn NFM 13117

New Forest, sto

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Brittisk New Foreststambok - NFS/NFM - New Forest Pony Studbook 13117


Silverlea Grey Minstrel NFS 1472
New Forest
Silverlea Cascade NFS 1188
New Forest
Corra Tant NFS 70
New Forest
Mudeford Streak NPS 2655
New Forest
Merlyn NPS 10674
New Forest
Silverlea Bambino NFM 1540
New Forest
Holmesley Boy NFS 75
New Forest
Stellar NFM 179
New Forest
Silverlea Brownie NFM 3005
New Forest
Sway Ronald 56 LR
New Forest
Forest Horse
Sway Avril NFM 674
New Forest
Silverlea Magpie NFM 2067
New Forest
Monkshorn Merrylegs NPS 3108
New Forest
Forest Mare
Silverlea Stoogie NFM 1834
New Forest
Hightown Streak NFS 446
New Forest
Goodenough NPS 2900
New Forest
Forest Horse
The Ghost, Forest Mare
New Forest
Hightown Valerose NPS 8870
New Forest
Forest Horse
Hightown Vera NPS 7711
New Forest
Silverlea Gina NFM 1609
New Forest
Monkshorn Merrylegs NPS 3108
New Forest
Moorbridge Victory NPS 2584
New Forest
Kitty, forest mare
New Forest
Silverlea Pixie NFM 1543
New Forest
Sway Gaytime 19 LR
New Forest
Pandora of Silverlea NFM 1196
New Forest


Född Kön Namn Ras Pappa
Sto Silverlea Pisces NFM 20/135 New Forest Silverlea Merrydown NFS 3613


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