
Duke's Forest Supreme STB 4375

New Forest, sto

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Holländsk New Foreststambok - Stb. 4375


Vernons Vineyard NFS 21
New Forest
Tomatin Golden Gorse NFS 1658
New Forest
Durley Sovereign of Burton NFS 1298
New Forest
Sway Sunbeam NFS 132
New Forest
Durley Goldie NFM 4871
New Forest
Pikes Hill Heather NFM 4296
New Forest
Fritham Conkers NPS 3936
New Forest
Pikeshill Poppet NFM 1891
New Forest
Burnrew Vanessa NFM 3911
New Forest
Burnrew Peregrine NFS 179
New Forest
Goodenough NPS 2900
New Forest
Burnrew Pauline NPS 8606
New Forest
Burnrew Verity NFM 1025
New Forest
Slipper NPS 3518
New Forest
Pansey III NPS 8234
New Forest
Silverlea Pink Petal NFM 5199
New Forest
Hightown Streak NFS 446
New Forest
Goodenough NPS 2900
New Forest
Forest Horse
The Ghost, Forest Mare
New Forest
Hightown Valerose NPS 8870
New Forest
Forest Horse
Hightown Vera NPS 7711
New Forest
Silverlea Bridget NFM 2314
New Forest
Sway Gaytime 19 LR
New Forest
Forest Horse
Sway Whitefoot, forest mare
New Forest
Silverlea Chloe NFM 2315
New Forest


Född Kön Namn Ras Pappa
1994 Hingst Sander He. Stb. 225 New Forest Brummerhoeve's Boss He. Stb. 205


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