
Lady Spring RNF 2168


New Forest, sto

1989 hos Susann Engelin, Ytterby
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Riksstambok New Forest-E 2168

Färg: brun, stj, vthbf
Höjd: 142 cm

Premierad: B (2000)
Utlåtande: Rastypisk, väl bibehållen. Vackert huvud, kort hals, bra manke. Tät fram, rakhasig. Energisk kort skritt. Markbunden trav.


Dawn of Spring RNF 18
New Forest
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Hightown Streak NFS 446
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Hightown Valerose NPS 8870
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Wootton Goldie NFM 499
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Forest Horse
Kit Kat II NPS 6912
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Wootton Judy NFM 9182
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Slipper NPS 3518
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Juliette NPS 8871
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Newtown Spark NPS 2582
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Whisper NPS 7665
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Cilla IV RNF 1457
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Mockbeggar Thundercloud RNF 32
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Knightwood Spring of Heather NPS 3986
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Barrow Heather 0082 LR
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Linford Grey Lad NPS 2990
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Charlotte of Broomy NFM 2463
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Woodfidley Silvercrest RNF 1617
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Ashurst Hector NFS 629
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Ashurst Jane NFM 1081
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Whinwistle Goldcrest NFM 5810
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Mockbeggar Wildfire II NFS 631
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Telegraph one of Whinwistle AM
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Född Kön Namn Ras Pappa
1999 Sto Busan RP 1132 H Svensk Ridponny Prince River xx RP 107


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